Kinglsey Moor Shooting Ground Covid-19
Restriction Policy and Booking In Procedure
If you haven't Pre-Registered.
Booking in on the day will be from 10 am until 12.30 pm, but please bear in mind you may have to wait a while depending on how busy we are.
COVID-19 Policy
To help reduce the risk to our customers and staff we need to do the following:-
Once on the grounds please adhere to our strict new COVID-19 signage to remind you about social distancing and the safety of yourself and that of others.
We ask you to please adhere to the Government's 2-meter rule at all times whilst here, it applies everywhere on the shooting ground.
Thank you.
As always our priority is to keep people safe.
Shooters should wear normal PPE for shooting, but we would highly recommend people to wear gloves and masks, this is at the shooter’s discretion.
Please feel free to use our "Sanitisation Stations" which will be set up around the shooting ground.
Shooting Lodge - Toilets
Available as usual. We recommend you wear a mask.
We have just had some good news, our kitchen will now be open on Sunday for food and refreshments.
Thank you for your interest and your continued support, we are really looking forward to welcoming you to Kingsley Moor Shooting Ground.